Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Exp. No. 22 - I bambini che giocavano al macellaio - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

This tale is no longer officially part of the Grimm collection. It was removed from the second edition by the Grimm brothers. Read about the story: in German, in English Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 182 - Il dono del piccolo popolo - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

Read the original story: in German, in English Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 108 - Nanni Porcospino - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 4 - Il ragazzo che andava in cerca della paura - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

Saturday, September 1, 2012

KHM 179 - Libapásztorlány a kútnál - Storyteller: Lovranits Júlia

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish http://lovranitsjulia.hu/

1986-ban születtem, biológus vagyok és mesemondó. A jó történeteket és a madárvilágot, szép erdőket mindennél jobban szeretem. Szívesen olvasok, írok és mesélek vidám, szomorú meséket állatokról, növényekről, meg csodálatos, képzeletbeli lényekről. Fontosnak tartom, hogy a modern ember is újra közel tudjon kerülni a természethez, ebben is nagy segítséget nyújtanak számunkra a népmesék. A Magyar Madártani Egyesület oktatási munkatársaként gyerekekkel foglalkozom nagycsoportos óvodás kortól, vándor mesemondóként felnőtt közönség előtt is léptem már fel, például a Holnemvolt Fesztiválon.

KHM 25 - Csókalányok - Storyteller: Lovranits Júlia (Rigó)

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish http://lovranitsjulia.hu/

1986-ban születtem, biológus vagyok és mesemondó. A jó történeteket és a madárvilágot, szép erdőket mindennél jobban szeretem. Szívesen olvasok, írok és mesélek vidám, szomorú meséket állatokról, növényekről, meg csodálatos, képzeletbeli lényekről. Fontosnak tartom, hogy a modern ember is újra közel tudjon kerülni a természethez, ebben is nagy segítséget nyújtanak számunkra a népmesék. A Magyar Madártani Egyesület oktatási munkatársaként gyerekekkel foglalkozom nagycsoportos óvodás kortól, vándor mesemondóként felnőtt közönség előtt is léptem már fel, például a Holnemvolt Fesztiválon.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

KHM 192 - Crack and Crook - Storyteller: Susan McCullough

Read the original story: in German, in English Crack and Crook, told by Susan McCullough
Italian Folktales selected and retold by Italo Calvino
A variant of Der Gebrüder Grimm KHM 192: Der Meisterdieb (The Master Thief)
Prepared for Advanced Storytelling/ETSU and The Grimm Project. Told July 20, 2012 to an audience of about 8 adults.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

KHM 32 - Der gescheite Hans - Storytellers: Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann, Ina Theißen

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Read the original story: 

KHM 32
Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen tell "Der gescheite Hans" ("Clever Hans") in their performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten".

Find the original text in English (and German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Netherlands):

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen are actresses and storytellers, living in Vienna.
Birgit Lehner tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 140 - Das Hausgesinde - Storytellers: Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann, Ina Theißen

Read the original story: in German, in English

  KHM 140
Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen tell "Das Hausgesinde" ("Domestic servants") in their performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten", on january 2012 at the Brunnenpassage, Vienna/Austria

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen are actresses and storytellers, living in Vienna.

Birgit Lehner tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 58 - Der Hund und der Sperling - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 58
Birgit Lehner tells "Der Hund und der Sperling" ("The Dog and the Sparrow") in the performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten", in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna/Austria

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner is an actress and storyteller, living in Vienna. She tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

Friday, April 13, 2012

KHM 62 - La reina de las abejas - Narradora: Bego Alabazan

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano


Nací en 1966 y, como buena niña (que no “niña buena”), me gustaba jugar con las historias con las que me encontraba haciendo marionetas, dibujos, murales, contándolas o teatralizándolas.
Mucho más adelante, en 1996, tuve la oportunidad de formar parte en la creación del grupo de Narración Oral “A la Luz de las Velas”. No sospechaba entonces hasta qué punto iban a calar los cuentos en mi.
Y gracias a este encuentro (o reencuentro), me “di a la bebida” de cuentos, cantos y leyendas para satisfacer esa sed de historias que tenía desde niña. Fue después que conocí el gran disfrute de hacerlas mías y comunicarlas.

Monday, April 9, 2012

KHM 92 - Die Königin aus der Rosenstadt - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Birgit Lehner tells her version of the Grimms' tale "The King of the Golden Mountain" (KHM 92), partially interweaving it with the folktale "The Queen of the Town of Roses" that has been collected in the 1930ies in germanspeaking villages of Northern Hungary. In this variant the enchanted queen has not been changed into a snake. She is a beautiful woman and obviously very strong herself: Before she asks the hero to release her she tests his strength by hitting him three times - which is a quite funny scene. The end of the variant, though, is more conciliable than in the Grimms' tale: In order to stay with her first husband, the queen asks her guests at her second marriage whether an original key or a copy would fit better, and everybody votes for the original key.

Find the Grimms' tale in English (and German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Netherlands):

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner is a professional Austrian actress and storyteller. She lives in Vienna and tells in German, English and French.
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 94 - Die kluge Kohlenbrennerstochter - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner (Excerpt)

Read the original story: in German, in English

"Die kluge Kohlenbrennerstochter" (The Charburner's Clever Daughter) is a variant of the Grimms' Tale "The Peasant's Clever Daughter" (KHM 94). It has been collected in the 1930ies in germanspeaking villages in Northern Hungary: As in the original Grimms' tale, the king expulses his wife, the charburner's daughter, because she has interfered with his business, and allows her to take with her only what is dearest in her eyes. She chooses her husband. In this variant the queen carries the sleeping king on her own back home to her father's house.

Birgit Lehner tells her version in Austrian dialect. The performance took place in august 2010 in Upper Austria during a festival celebrating that - thanks to the initiative of Austrian storyteller Helmut Wittmann -- storytelling had been put on the Austrian UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Find the Grimms' tale in English (And German, Italian, Danish, Netherlands): http://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/the_peasants_wise_daughter

This excerpt of a full-length 10-minutes video (© http://bildungs.tv) was produced for the "Project Grimm 2012": In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the Brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here:

Birgit Lehner is a professional Austrian actress and storyteller. She lives in Vienna and tells in German, French and English.
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

KHM 139 - The girl from Brakel - Storyteller: Vasileia Vaxevani (Paramythokores)

Read the original story: in German, in English

Vasileia Vaxevani of Paramythokores tells the tale of "The Maid of Brakel" (KHM 139) participating in the "Project Grimm". In this project storytellers from around Europe share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by brothers Grimm.
The story was told in a meeting of the group "Storytellers of Athens". "Storytellers of Athens" is a group of storytellers that voluntarily tell stories in hospitals, shelters for immigrants and various institutions and wherever stories are needed.
You can read the story of (KHM 139) in English here:
Follow the "Project Grimm" here:

Find us at:

Η Βασιλεία Βαξεβάνη από τις Παραμυθοκόρες αφηγείται το παραμύθι "Το κορίτσι από το Μπράκελ" (KHM 139) συμμετέχοντας στο "Project Grimm". Σε αυτό το project συμμετέχουν αφηγητές από όλη την Ευρώπη με την ευκαιρία των εορτασμών των 200 χρόνων από την πρώτη έκδοση της συλλογής παραμυθιών των αδερφών Γκριμ.
Η αφήγηση έγινε το Μάρτιο 2012 στα πλαίσια της συνάντησης της ομάδας "Παραμυθάδες των Αθηνών". Οι "Παραμυθάδες των Αθηνών" είναι μια ομάδα αφηγητών που πραγματοποιεί εθελόντικά αφηγήσεις σε ιδρύματα, γηροκομεία, στέγες μεταναστών και όπου υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που τις έχουν ανάγκη.
Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την ιστορία των Γκριμμ (KHM 139) στα Αγγλικά εδώ:
Παρακολουθήστε το "Project Grimm" εδώ:

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας:

KHM 123 - The old lady in the woods - Storytellers: Paramythokores

Read the original story: in German, in English

Paramythokores tell the tale of "The Old Woman in the Wood" (KHM 123) participating in the "Project Grimm". In this project storytellers from around Europe share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by brothers Grimm.
The whole tale was adapted in Greek traditional metric of Greek traditional songs. We were inspired by the wealth of the oral tradition and we used all the typical characteristics of these Greek narrative songs to tell a european tale.

The performance took place on March 2012 in "Idiomelo, art center", Athens. This story was part of a performance for adults and children.
You can read the story of (KHM 123) in English here:
Follow the "Project Grimm" here:

Find us at:

Οι Παραμυθοκόρες αφηγούνται το παραμύθι "Η γριά στο δάσος" (KHM 123) συμμετέχοντας στο "Project Grimm". Σε αυτό το project συμμετέχουν αφηγητές από όλη την Ευρώπη με την ευκαιρία των εορτασμών των 200 χρόνων από την πρώτη έκδοση της συλλογής παραμυθιών των αδερφών Γκριμ.
Ολόκληρο το παραμύθι διασκευάστηκε σε ιαμβικό 15σύλλαβο στίχο με στοιχεία του δημοτικού τραγουδιού. Πέρνοντας έμπνευση από τις παραλογές, διαμορφώσαμε ένα κείμενο με έντονα τα στοιχεία της παράδοσης, όπως επαναλήψεις, μοτίβα, τριμερής διάρθρωση του νοήματος, ισομετρικός παραλληλισμός.
Η αφήγηση έγινε το Μάρτιο 2012 στο "Ιδιόμελο, χώρος τέχνης". Ήταν μέρος μιας παράστασης αφήγησης για μικρούς και μεγάλους.
Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την ιστορία των Γκριμμ (KHM 123) στα Αγγλικά εδώ:
Παρακολουθήστε το "Project Grimm" εδώ:

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας:

KHM 4 - The boy who wanted to learn what fear was - Storyteller: Paramythokores

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Paramythokores tell the Greek version of "The youth who wanted to learn what fear is" (AT 326, KHM 004) and with this tale they participate in "Project Grimm". In this project storytellers from around Europe share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by brothers Grimm.
The Greek version of the tale is significantly different from the european versions. It has elements from the european tales as well as oriental tales creating a unique mixture. The pattern of the fearless youth comes from the european tradition and from the Orient come the tales of a youth that faces three women and prevails. In Greece these two completely different tales are combined in one.
The youth sets off to find fear and meets a witch, a mermaid and a dragon but he proves himself fearless. It is later revealed the the three fears are three fairies, the youth marries one of them and returning to his house he finds out what fear is by a mouse.

The performance took place on February 2012 in Cyprus, at the Cultural Workshop Ayion Omoloyiton. This story was part of a performance for schools.
In the video there are excerpts of a 20-minute tale.
You can read the story of (KHM 004) in English here:
Follow the "Project Grimm" here:

Find us at:

Οι Παραμυθοκόρες αφηγούνται την ελληνική παραλλαγή του "Αφοβου" (AT 326, KHM 004), του παλικαριού που έψαξε να βρει τί είναι ο φόβος. Με αυτό το παραμύθι συμμετέχουν στο "Project Grimm". Σε αυτό το project συμμετέχουν αφηγητές από όλη την Ευρώπη με την ευκαιρία των εορτασμών των 200 χρόνων από την πρώτη έκδοση της συλλογής παραμυθιών των αδερφών Γκριμ.
Το ελληνικό παραμύθι είναι αρκετά διαφορετικό από τις ευρωπαϊκές παραλλαγές του. Έχει στοιχεία τόσο από τα ευρωπαϊκά αντίστοιχα παραμύθια όσο και από παραμύθια που έρχονται από την Ανατολή, δημιουργώντας μια μοναδική μείξη που απασχόλησε τους μελετητές. Το μοτίβο του άφοβου παλικαριού προέρχεται από την ευρωπαϊκή παράδοση ενώ από την Ανατολή φτάνουν παραμύθια ενός ηρωα που ανταγωνίζεται τρεις γυναίκες και θριαμβεύει. Στην Ελλάδα τα δύο αυτά εντελώς διαφορετικά παραμύθια ενώθηκαν σε ένα.
Ο νέος ξεκινά να βρει το φόβο και συναντά μια μάγισσα, μια γοργόνα και έναν δράκο αλλά αποδεικνύεται άφοβος. Αποκαλύπτεται ότι οι τρεις φόβοι είναι νεράιδες, παντρεύεται μια από αυτές και επιστρέφοντας σπίτι του μαθαίνει τί είναι ο φόβος από ένα ποντίκι.
Η αφήγηση έγινε το Φεβρουάριο 2012 στην Κύπρο, στο "Πολιτιστικό Εργαστήρι Αγίων Ομολογητών" στη Λευκωσία. Ήταν μέρος μιας παράστασης αφήγησης για δημoτικά σχολεία.
Στο βίντεο παρουσιάζονται αποσπάσματα της ιστορίας.
Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την παραλλαγή των Γκριμμ (KHM 004) στα Αγγλικά εδώ:
Παρακολουθήστε το "Project Grimm" εδώ:

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας:

KHM 37 - Tom Thumb - Storytellers: Paramythokores

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Paramythokores tell in Greek the story of Tom Thumb by brothers Grimm participating in "Project Grimm". In this project storytellers from around Europe share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by brothers Grimm.
Tom Thumb is a tiny hero that faces powerful opponents, cunning thieves, hungry wolves but he prevails with the power of his mind!
The performance took place on February 2012 in Cyprus, at the Cultural Workshop Ayion Omoloyiton. This story was part of a performance for schools.
In the video there are excerpts of a 30-minute tale.
You can read the story of Tom Thumb (KHM 037) in English here:
Follow the "Project Grimm" here:

Find us at:

Οι Παραμυθοκόρες αφηγούνται το παραμύθι του Δαχτυλάκη των αδερφών Γκριμ συμμετέχοντας στο "Project Grmm". Σε αυτό το project συμμετέχουν αφηγητές από όλη την Ευρώπη με την ευκαιρία των εορτασμών των 200 χρόνων από την πρώτη έκδοση της συλλογής παραμυθιών των αδερφών Γκριμ.
Ο Δαχτυλάκης είναι ένας ήρωας τόοοσος δα...μικρούλης που τα βάζει με ισχυρούς αντιπάλους, πονηρούς κλέφτες και πεινασμένους λύκους αλλά τα καταφέρνει με όπλο το μυαλό του!
Η αφήγηση έγινε το Φεβρουάριο 2012 στην Κύπρο, στο "Πολιτιστικό Εργαστήρι Αγίων Ομολογητών" στη Λευκωσία. Ήταν μέρος μιας παράστασης αφήγησης για δημoτικά σχολεία.
Στο βίντεο παρουσιάζονται αποσπάσματα της ιστορίας.
Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την ιστορία του Δαχτυλάκη (KHM 037) στα Αγγλικά εδώ:
Παρακολουθήστε το "Project Grimm" εδώ:

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

KHM 4 - The boy who didn't know how to shudder - Storytellers: Anne Burman, Tony Joyce, Leanne Bevan and Chris Wise

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Told by (left to right in picture) Anne Burman, Tony Joyce, Leanne Bevan and Chris Wise.
The order they tell in is Tony, Leanne, Anne, Chris

Storytelling in Hope, http://www.storytellinginhope.com

Friday, March 23, 2012

Stories up for grabs!

There are still tales unclaimed in the Grimm Project! Take a look and pick one, or two! Telles who have already completed their 4 tales are allowed to do more if they would like to! :)

IMPORTANT! This list does not mean that the other tales are off limits! We just feel like it's important to find tellers for these homeless puppies first :) If you don't like any of them, you are free to choose from the rest of the book!

KHM 56 - Sweetheart Roland
KHM 66 - The Hare's Bride
KHM 67 - Twelve Huntsmen
KHM 71 - How Six Men got on in the World
KHM 78 - The Old Man and his Grandson
KHM 80 - The Death of the Little Hen
KHM 90 - The Young Giant
KHM 104 - Wise folks
KHM 106 - The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat
KHM 107 - Two Travelers
KHM 108 - Hans my Hedgehog
KHM 109 - The Shroud
KHM 110 - The Jew Among Thorns
KHM 111 - The skillful huntsman
KHM 113 - The Two Kings' Children
KHM 117 - The Willful Child
KHM 119 - The Seven Swabians
KHM 121 - The King's Son Who Feared Nothing
KHM 130 - One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
KHM 134 - The Six Servants
KHM 137 - The Three Black Princesses
KHM 151 - The Three Sluggards/The Twelve Idle Servants
KHM 152 - The Shepherd Boy
KHM 154 - The Stolen Farthings
KHM 155 - Looking for a Bride
KHM 159 - The Ditmars Tale of Wonders
KHM 162 - The Wise Servant
KHM 163 - The Glass Coffin
KHM 171 - The Willow-Worn
KHM 174 - The Owl
KHM 180 - Eve's Various Children
KHM 182 - The Little Folk's Presents
KHM 184 - The nail

KHM 50 - Dornröschen - Storyteller: Roland Gelfert

Untitled from Konstantin Tsaklaidis on Vimeo.

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish


KHM 105 - Tales of the paddock - Storyteller: Deirdre Joyce

Read the original story: in German, in English

Storytelling in Hope, http://www.storytellinginhope.com

KHM 73 - The wolf and the fox - Storyteller: Pennie Hedge

Read the original story: in German, in English

Storytelling in Hope, http://www.storytellinginhope.com

KHM 44 - Godfather Death - Storyteller: Claire Bowden-Dan

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Storytelling in Hope, http://www.storytellinginhope.com

Sunday, March 18, 2012

KHM 89 - The Goose girl - Storyteller: Klara Führen (Excerpt)

Read the original story: in German, in English

Contact information: www.erzaehlkultur.net
mailto: klarafuehren.erzaehlt@t-online.de

KHM 145 - The ungrateful son - Storyteller: Klara Führen

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Contact information: www.erzaehlkultur.net
mailto: klarafuehren.erzaehlt@t-online.de

KHM 181 - The Nix of the Mill-pond - Storyteller: Klara Führen (Excerpt)

Read the original story: in German, in English

Contact information: www.erzaehlkultur.net
mailto: klarafuehren.erzaehlt@t-online.de

Friday, March 16, 2012

KHM 178 - Meister Pfriem - Storyteller: Cordula Gerndt (Sisters Grimm)

Read the original story: in German, in English

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called "Ganz Grimm" (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves "The Sisters Grimm". In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 118 - Die drei Feldscherer - Storyteller: Cordula Carla Gernd (Sisters Grimm)

Read the original story: in German, in English

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called "Ganz Grimm" (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves "The Sisters Grimm". In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 143 - Up Reisen gon - Bernd Benecke

Read the original story: in German, in English

Told by Bernd Benecke, Guest at GANZ GRIMM
Told "Platt" - North German Dialekt

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called “Ganz Grimm” (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves “The Sisters Grimm”. In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 198 - Jungfer Marleen - Storyteller: Cordula Gerndt (Sisters Grimm)

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called "Ganz Grimm" (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves "The Sisters Grimm". In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 34 - Die kluge Else - Storyteller: Gabi Altenbach (Sisters Grimm)

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Told in "Kurpfälzisch" - a German Dialect

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called "Ganz Grimm" (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves "The Sisters Grimm". In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 33 - 3 Sprachen - Storyteller: Katharina Ritter (Sisters Grimm)

Read the original story: in Spanish, in English, in German

Told in “Alemannisch”

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called "Ganz Grimm" (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves "The Sisters Grimm". In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

KHM 69 - Jorinde und Joringel - Noi i Noia - Narradores: Monika Klose i Ignasi Potrony

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Narración en alemán y catalán
Contacto: monikaklose@hotmail.com

2011. december 20. Goethe-Institut, Barcelona.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

KHM 59 - The Future - Storyteller: David Heathfield

KHM 59 - Frederick and Catherine
Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Storyteller David Heathfield tells The Future, a retelling of the Westcountry folk tale Hereafterthis as included in Jacobs collection English Fairy Tales. Hereafterthis was collected in South West England by Reverend Sabine Baring Gould and is a variant of Brothers Grimm tale 59 Frederick and Katherine, about a foolish wife.
Here David tells the story with Heavitree Ladies Association in Exeter www.davidheathfield.co.uk

Wishes and Fishes
From 200 years ago Wilhelm Grimm makes an extraordinary wish to know whether the tales he collected will still be known in the future and suddenly finds himself with you telling the tales he and Jakob collected.
"Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, denn leben sie noch weiter.” And if they haven’t died, then they are still alive
This David Heathfield Storytelling event is available for booking in celebration of The Project Grimm

KHM 48 - El viejo Sultán - Narradora: Cristina Salvador

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

"El viejo Sultán (KHM 48): tampoco lo había leído nunca, es un cuento que habla sobre la lealtad, original y divertido!"

Cristina Salvador se introduce en el mundo de los cuentos en el año 2007. Desde entonces los lugares donde ha narrado son tan diversos como, Las Fiestas de Gracia, Bibliotecas públicas, bodegas de Cavas, Centros Cívicos, Centros Culturales, El Corte Inglés, Galerias de Arte, Librerias como Abacus, Maratones, Radios (Arenys, Gracia, Badalona), Salas de lectura, Harlem Jazz Club, Nostromo, entre otros.
Además es actriz de doblaje, locutora de spots, narradora en la TV de Gràcia y dinamizadora cultural de varios locales, tales como el Centro Cultural Valentina, el Restaurante Nostromo y en la actualidad la cafetería Manduca.
Premiada en el concurso de escritura de cuentos para la educación en valores para la Escuela Empordà, con el cuento "La llimona viatgera" 2008 (libro dirigido a monitores) publicado en el 2008
web: www.cristinasalvador.com
email: cristinasalvador.narradora.com

KHM 148 - Los animales del Señor y el diablo - Narradora: Cristina Salvador

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés

"Los animales del Señor y el diableo (KHM148): la verdad no lo había leído nunca, y al final me ha acabado gustando, aunque tenía bastantes reticencias al principio."

Cristina Salvador se introduce en el mundo de los cuentos en el año 2007. Desde entonces los lugares donde ha narrado son tan diversos como, Las Fiestas de Gracia, Bibliotecas públicas, bodegas de Cavas, Centros Cívicos, Centros Culturales, El Corte Inglés, Galerias de Arte, Librerias como Abacus, Maratones, Radios (Arenys, Gracia, Badalona), Salas de lectura, Harlem Jazz Club, Nostromo, entre otros.
Además es actriz de doblaje, locutora de spots, narradora en la TV de Gràcia y dinamizadora cultural de varios locales, tales como el Centro Cultural Valentina, el Restaurante Nostromo y en la actualidad la cafetería Manduca.
Premiada en el concurso de escritura de cuentos para la educación en valores para la Escuela Empordà, con el cuento "La llimona viatgera" 2008 (libro dirigido a monitores) publicado en el 2008
web: www.cristinasalvador.com
email: cristinasalvador.narradora.com

KHM 27 - Los músicos de Bremen - Narradora: Cristina Salvador

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Los músicos de Bremen: está sacado del mismo libro, no se lo haciamos leer tanto pero también nos gustaba, al igual que otros que allí están plasmados, como "La bella durmiente" entre muchos también de otros autores.

Cristina Salvador se introduce en el mundo de los cuentos en el año 2007. Desde entonces los lugares donde ha narrado son tan diversos como, Las Fiestas de Gracia, Bibliotecas públicas, bodegas de Cavas, Centros Cívicos, Centros Culturales, El Corte Inglés, Galerias de Arte, Librerias como Abacus, Maratones, Radios (Arenys, Gracia, Badalona), Salas de lectura, Harlem Jazz Club, Nostromo, entre otros.
Además es actriz de doblaje, locutora de spots, narradora en la TV de Gràcia y dinamizadora cultural de varios locales, tales como el Centro Cultural Valentina, el Restaurante Nostromo y en la actualidad la cafetería Manduca.
Premiada en el concurso de escritura de cuentos para la educación en valores para la Escuela Empordà, con el cuento "La llimona viatgera" 2008 (libro dirigido a monitores) publicado en el 2008
web: www.cristinasalvador.com
email: cristinasalvador.narradora.com

KHM 12 - Rapunzel - Narradora: Cristina Salvador

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

"Rapunzel: es un cuento que mis hermanos y yo eramos unos niños le pediamos a mi madre, noche tras noche, y no nos cansabamos de escucharlo, recuerdo que todos dormiamos en la misma habitación y mi hermano saltaba de cama en cama para estar todos juntos escuchando, mientras mi madre explicaba el cuento. Al cabo de los años viendo en perspertiva el mensaje del cuento, mi idea es que el un gran cariño y amor demostrado hacia otra persona puede ser capaz de curarla o mejorarla, para mi el rescatado era el principe y Rapunzel la heroina. Este cuento mi madre lo leía de una colección de libros titulada "El mundo de los niños" y está en el tomo 2 de los 15 que tiene."

Cristina Salvador se introduce en el mundo de los cuentos en el año 2007. Desde entonces los lugares donde ha narrado son tan diversos como, Las Fiestas de Gracia, Bibliotecas públicas, bodegas de Cavas, Centros Cívicos, Centros Culturales, El Corte Inglés, Galerias de Arte, Librerias como Abacus, Maratones, Radios (Arenys, Gracia, Badalona), Salas de lectura, Harlem Jazz Club, Nostromo, entre otros.
Además es actriz de doblaje, locutora de spots, narradora en la TV de Gràcia y dinamizadora cultural de varios locales, tales como el Centro Cultural Valentina, el Restaurante Nostromo y en la actualidad la cafetería Manduca.
Premiada en el concurso de escritura de cuentos para la educación en valores para la Escuela Empordà, con el cuento "La llimona viatgera" 2008 (libro dirigido a monitores) publicado en el 2008
web: www.cristinasalvador.com
email: cristinasalvador.narradora.com

Sunday, March 11, 2012

KHM 136 - Eisenhans - Storyteller: Claudia Edermayer

Read the original story: in German, in English

Märchenerzählerin -- Storyteller
Claudia Edermayer

KHM 19 - The fisherman and his wife - Storyteller: Claudia Edermayer

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Märchenerzählerin -- Storyteller
Claudia Edermayer

KHM 135 - Die schöne Stieftochter - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner

(Photo: Frank Helmrich)

Read the original story: in German, in English

"The Beautiful Stepdaughter" ("Die schöne Stieftochter") is an Austrian folktale that has been recorded in 1917 in Styria. It is a close variant of "The White Bride and the Black One", Grimm number 135.
It is part of the collection "Märchen aus Österreich", edited by Leander Petzold (Munich, 1991). In this recording (not a public performance) I tell my version in Austrian dialect.

Contact information:
Birgit Lehner, storyteller living in Vienna/Austria
Website: www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at
Mailto: maerchenerzaehlerin@gmail.com

Synopsis: A beggar (in the original version it is God himself disguised as a beggar, I leave this fact out in my version) knocks at the house of an evil woman who lives there with her evil daughter and her warmhearted stepdaughter. The woman chases the beggar away, but her stepdaughter clandestinly helps him. As a reward the beggar offers her two wishes, and the good girl chooses to become bright as day, whereas her stepsister should become black as night. (In "The White Bride and the Black One" the girl has three wishes, and she choses beauty, an ever-full purse and to go to Heaven after her death. And it is God himself who makes the stepmother and stepdaughter black and ugly.)
The beautiful stepdaughter then sends a portrait of herself to her brother who works as the king's coachman. (In the Grimm version it is her brother who paints her, and she asks him to show the painting to nobody else).
When the king sees her portrait he falls in love with her and promises to marry her. He orders the coachman to bring his sister to the castle. But when the coachmen drives home to fetch her, their stepmother casts an evil spell on them so that the coachman becomes blind and his sister deaf. The blind coachman drives his deaf sister and their evil stepmother and stepsister to the castle (What an absurd image, isn't it? In "The White Bride and the Black One" the coachman and his sister are only half blind and half deaf.)
During the journey the coachman asks his sister whether she is wearing her wedding cap and wedding dress (in the original version just a beautiful dress and cap). As the deaf girl cannot not understand his words she asks the evil women to explain her brother's words to her, but those pretend that she should handle over her wedding dress and cap to her stepsister. Finally the evil women throw the right bride into a river when the carriage crosses a bridge. When they arrive at the king's castle the king thinks that the coachman has betrayed him and lets him throw into a snakepit. But as he wants to keep his promise the king marries the false and ugly bride. (In the Grimm version it is because the stepmother bewitches also the king's mind or eyes.) Some days after the marriage, though, a snow-white duck comes into the royal kitchen and says to the cook "How's my poor brother and my evil stepmother? He's captured with snakes and otters whilst she warms herself at the oven." When the duck comes again the other day the cook informs the king. The king orders the cook to throw a white shirt over the duck the next time it would appear. The cook does as the king has ordered him to do, and the duck changes into the right bride. (In the Grimm version the king cuts off the duck's head.)
The king frees his innocent coachman and throws the false bride and her mother into the snakepit (in the original version he burns them; in the Grimm version the kings asks the stepmother what ought to be done to someone who had committed a crime like hers, and when she says that such a person should be stripped naked and put in a barrel with nails which should be dragged off by a horse, this is exactly how the king will punish her and her daughter). From that moment on the coachman is no longer blind and the right bride is no longer deaf and the king finally marries the right bright bride.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

KHM 189 - El Campesino y el Diablo - Narrador: Iván Trasgu (versión corta)

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés

Versión libre de los Hermanos Grimm en la que un ser diablesco y un cuentacuentos narran como un campesino consiguió el cofre que guardan los diablos para sí, cuyo interior no conceden jamás a los humanos salvo en raras ocasiones.

Los 4 vídeos que componen el Proyecto Grimm / Rompenubes, fueron grabados el 16 de Diciembre de 2011 en el Teatro Arenas de Montemayor de Pililla (Valladolid, Spain) en castellano.

El narrador de estos vídeos es Iván Trasgu (ivantrasgu@gmail.com), presidente de la Asociación Rompenubes (rompenubes08@gmail.com), aunque detrás hay un equipo de personas compuesto por Silvia Torralba, Irene Vicente y Manuel Ferrero, los cuáles desempeñaron una importante labor de adaptación de los cuentos, respetando al máximo la estructura narrativa y convirtiéndola en clave de humor para un público familiar.

La Asociación Rompenubes realiza labores anualmente de:

Rescate de Tradición Oral y Escrita
Defensa y apoyo de la figura del Cuentacuentos o Narrador Oral como educador y convocador del pueblo.
Integración social de colectivos en riesgo.

KHM 115 - El sol brillante lo sacará a la luz - Narrador: Iván Trasgu

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés

Los 4 vídeos que componen el Proyecto Grimm / Rompenubes, fueron grabados el 16 de Diciembre de 2011 en el Teatro Arenas de Montemayor de Pililla (Valladolid, Spain) en castellano.

El narrador de estos vídeos es Iván Trasgu (ivantrasgu@gmail.com), presidente de la Asociación Rompenubes (rompenubes08@gmail.com), aunque detrás hay un equipo de personas compuesto por Silvia Torralba, Irene Vicente y Manuel Ferrero, los cuáles desempeñaron una importante labor de adaptación de los cuentos, respetando al máximo la estructura narrativa y convirtiéndola en clave de humor para un público familiar.

La Asociación Rompenubes realiza labores anualmente de:

Rescate de Tradición Oral y Escrita
Defensa y apoyo de la figura del Cuentacuentos o Narrador Oral como educador y convocador del pueblo.
Integración social de colectivos en riesgo.

KHM 102 - La Reyezuela, la Loba y la Osa - Narrador: Iván Trasgu

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés

Carla, Claudia y Julia, naturales de Montemayor de Pililla, participan y crean junto al Cuentacuentos Iván Trasgu este cuento interactivo de los hermanos Grimm.

Historia de los hermanos Grimm, que a modo de fábula, explica que en la guerra, la mejor táctica es hacer uso de la astucia. Está narrada con la técnica de la interacción con público y la improvisación del momento, que produjo un cambio en el género de los protagonistas de masculino a femenino.

Los 4 vídeos que componen el Proyecto Grimm / Rompenubes, fueron grabados el 16 de Diciembre de 2011 en el Teatro Arenas de Montemayor de Pililla (Valladolid, Spain) en castellano.

El narrador de estos vídeos es Iván Trasgu (ivantrasgu@gmail.com), presidente de la Asociación Rompenubes (rompenubes08@gmail.com), aunque detrás hay un equipo de personas compuesto por Silvia Torralba, Irene Vicente y Manuel Ferrero, los cuáles desempeñaron una importante labor de adaptación de los cuentos, respetando al máximo la estructura narrativa y convirtiéndola en clave de humor para un público familiar.

La Asociación Rompenubes realiza labores anualmente de:

Rescate de Tradición Oral y Escrita
Defensa y apoyo de la figura del Cuentacuentos o Narrador Oral como educador y convocador del pueblo.
Integración social de colectivos en riesgo.

KHM 77 - Gretel la lista - Narrador: Iván Trasgu

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Versión libre de los hermanos Grimm en la que se pone de manifiesto el triunfo de la astucia sobre las dificultades

Los 4 vídeos que componen el Proyecto Grimm / Rompenubes, fueron grabados el 16 de Diciembre de 2011 en el Teatro Arenas de Montemayor de Pililla (Valladolid, Spain) en castellano.

El narrador de estos vídeos es Iván Trasgu (ivantrasgu@gmail.com), presidente de la Asociación Rompenubes (rompenubes08@gmail.com), aunque detrás hay un equipo de personas compuesto por Silvia Torralba, Irene Vicente y Manuel Ferrero, los cuáles desempeñaron una importante labor de adaptación de los cuentos, respetando al máximo la estructura narrativa y convirtiéndola en clave de humor para un público familiar.

La Asociación Rompenubes realiza labores anualmente de:

Rescate de Tradición Oral y Escrita
Defensa y apoyo de la figura del Cuentacuentos o Narrador Oral como educador y convocador del pueblo.
Integración social de colectivos en riesgo.

Monday, March 5, 2012

KHM 44 - La Mort per Padrina - Narradores: Blai Senabre, Mercè Rubí, Mon Mas, Susagna Navó

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Narradores: COMBO-4
Blai Senabre, www.aktesteatre.com
Mercè Rubí, www.unmuntdecontes.wordpress.com
Mon Mas, www.elmondelamon.wordpress.com
Susagna Navó, www.susagna.com

Asociación: ANIN (Associació de Narradores i Narradors) Catalunya

Idioma: Català.

Cuento: KHM 044 "La Mort per Padrina"
Forma parte de una sesión de cuentos: GRIMM'S A JOC.

Propuesta: La sesión està formada por cuatro cuentos contados por cuatro narradores, proponiendo un juego diferente para cada cuento e invitando al público a jugar.
Para "La Mort per Padrina" proponemos un juego de cartas, cada carta es una parte del cuento que se cuenta según sale la carta. Una vez se han jugado todas, serà el público el encargado de ordenar la historia.

Video: Grabado el dia 19 de octubre de 2012. C.C.Pati Llimona. Barcelona "Festival Munt de Mots"

Saturday, March 3, 2012

KHM 21 - Aschenputtel - Storyteller: Karin Tscholl (Excerpt)

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Karin Tscholl known in German speaking countries as >Frau Wolle<
Sign Translator Caroline Oberauer and a live audience of adults

Aschentagger (Cinderella), 5 minute excerpt of a 13 minute story.

Tyrolian dialect AND a sign language translator for deaf people singing in Austrian sign language.
If you are studying German and have a hard time understanding, don't worry it is dialect. If somebody is interested in the text of this excerpt, I have it written down in German.

July 22nd 2011

Outside in Zeughaus, Innsbruck, Austria

Collected by the brothers Zingerle, two Tyrolians who published some 200 tales collected in Tirol (Alpine province of Austria) in 1852. Freely and not literally retold by me for an audience of adults.

Karin Tscholl / www.frauwolle.at

It is a variety of the Cinderella story. Here the hero is male, he also gets presents at his fathers grave. He does not dance at a ball, but wins the princess by riding a horse up a very steep monutain. After he won her, at first he doesn't want her, because he has never kissed before and has no interest in women. The second time he wants to flee he is wounded at his foot. The King puts his handkerchief on the wound. Aschentagger escapes. Later he is found because all feet of all young men are examined. Now the princess doesn't want him because he looks different without armor and horse. But finally they do get together and kiss.

KHM 86 - Fuchs und Gaense - Storyteller: Karin Tscholl

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Karin Tscholl known in German speaking countries as >Frau Wolle<

The Fox and the Geese, complete story with the last sentence a little shortened as text to be seen in the end of the video.

High German, almost literally from the first edition of the brothers Grimm

July 16th 2011

Outside in Zeughaus, Innsbruck, Austria
Live audience of adults

almost literally from the first edition of the brothers Grimm

Karin Tscholl / www.frauwolle.at

Since it was late in the evening and on the video there is not much to see, for the first half we used photographs of the same evening earlier when there was still enough light. It was the last story of the evening and the audience participated in the story with the help of my colleague storyteller Cordula Gerndt (Munich) who can be heard as the first loudest goose.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

KHM 5 - Les set cabretes i el llop - Narradoras: Teresa Saladich i Llanos Gascó

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano



KHM 22 - El enigma - Narradora: Teresa Saladich

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano


KHM 14 - Las tres hilanderas - Narradora: Llanos Gascó

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano


KHM 20 - El sastrecillo valiente - Narradoras: Teresa Saladich y Llanos Gascó

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

KHM 172 - The Sole - Storyteller: Sophie Heydel

Read the original story: in German, in English


KHM 24 - Mother Hulda - Storyteller: Sophie Heydel

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish


KHM 15 - Jas and Malgosia - Storyteller: David Heathfield

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

David Heathfield tells Jas and Malgosia, a Polish version of Hansel and Gretel, to students aged 5-11 at Willowbrook Primary School


Wishes and Fishes
From 200 years ago Wilhelm Grimm makes an extraordinary wish to know whether the tales he collected will still be known in the future and suddenly finds himself with you telling the tales he and Jakob collected.
"Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, denn leben sie noch weiter.” And if they haven’t died, then they are still alive
This David Heathfield Storytelling event is available for booking in celebration of The Project Grimm

KHM 19 - The fisherman and his wife - Storyteller: David Heathfield

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

David Heathfield tells this Grimm's tale with a family audience.


Wishes and Fishes
From 200 years ago Wilhelm Grimm makes an extraordinary wish to know whether the tales he collected will still be known in the future and suddenly finds himself with you telling the tales he and Jakob collected.
"Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, denn leben sie noch weiter.” And if they haven’t died, then they are still alive
This David Heathfield Storytelling event is available for booking in celebration of The Project Grimm

KHM 96 - Three Little Birds - Storyteller: David Heathfield

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

David Heathfield tells The Three Little Birds, a Brothers Grimm tale, to international learners of English


Wishes and Fishes
From 200 years ago Wilhelm Grimm makes an extraordinary wish to know whether the tales he collected will still be known in the future and suddenly finds himself with you telling the tales he and Jakob collected.
"Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, denn leben sie noch weiter.” And if they haven’t died, then they are still alive
This David Heathfield Storytelling event is available for booking in celebration of The Project Grimm

KHM 24 - Mother Holle - Storyteller: David Heathfield

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

David Heathfield tells Mother Holle to all the students at Willowbrook Primary School, Exeter, UK

Wishes and Fishes
From 200 years ago Wilhelm Grimm makes an extraordinary wish to know whether the tales he collected will still be known in the future and suddenly finds himself with you telling the tales he and Jakob collected.
"Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, denn leben sie noch weiter.” And if they haven’t died, then they are still alive
This David Heathfield Storytelling event is available for booking in celebration of The Project Grimm


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Project Grimm, Norway - Storytellers: Tone Idun Bolstad and Sara Birgitte Øfsti

Tone Idun Bolstad and Sara Birgitte Øfsti, Norway.

KHM 12 Rapunzel (in German, in English, in Spanish)

KHM 99 The Spirit in the Glass Bottle (in German, in English, in Spanish)

KHM 103 Sweet porridge (in German, in English, in Spanish)

KHM 14 The Three spinning women (in German, in English, in Spanish)

Tone Idun Bolstad. Norwegian storyteller. Read more:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

KHM 23 - Das Vögelchen, das Mäuschen und die Bratwurst - Storytellers: Sisters Grimm

Reag the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Gabi Altenbach, Cordula Gerndt and Katharina Ritter are professional German storytellers. From October 2008 to December 2011 they ran a project, called “Ganz Grimm” (The Complete Grimm) in the course of which they monthly told all the 200 fairytales of the Brothers Grimm one after the other at a little stage in Munich, Germany. Since then they form a group, calling themselves “The Sisters Grimm”. In January 2012 they performed a storytelling-marathon by telling the tales of the Brothers Grimm in three days, every day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Some of the stories they told together (part by part), but most stories were told by one of the three Sisters Grimm alone. The video- and audio-clips are the result of these marathons.
About the Project: www.ganzgrimm.de
Katharina Ritter: www.geschichtenerzaehlerin.de
Cordula Gerndt: www.geschichtenpraxis.de
Gabi Altenbach: www.gabialtenbach.de

Friday, February 3, 2012

KHM 63 - The White Cat - Storyteller: Klara Führen

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 63 - The Three Feathers

Language: English

This story is the Austrian version of the Grimm tale.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

A thousand pairs of ears - Grimm project from the Netherlands

Language: Dutch
Subtitles: English

Giny Drent, Karin Uyland, Dick van der Pijl (Vertelakademie)

The story of a boy who went forth to learn fear (KHM 4)
Read: in German, in English, in Spanish

The willow-wren and the bear (KHM 102)
Read: in German, in English

The queen bee (KHM 62)
Read: in German, in English, in Spanish

Friday, January 27, 2012

KHM 64 - The Golden Goose - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 64

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit www.redphoenixstory.co.uk

KHM 41 - Herr Korbes - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 41

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit www.redphoenixstory.co.uk

KHM 185 - The Poor Boy in the Grave - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English

KHM 185

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit www.redphoenixstory.co.uk

Sunday, January 22, 2012

KHM 13 - The Three Little Men - Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit www.redphoenixstory.co.uk

KHM 27 - Los músicos de Bremen - Narradora: Anna Garcia

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

NOMBRE: Anna Garcia
WEB PERSONAL: www.elscontesdelanna.com

KHM 41 - El Sr Korbes - Narradora: Anna Garcia

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

NOMBRE: Anna Garcia
WEB PERSONAL: www.elscontesdelanna.com

KHM 200 - La claueta daurada – La llavecita dorada - Narradores: Susana Tornero & Ignasi Potrony

EL cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Subtitles in English

Información adicional
narración en catalán y castellano
contacto: www.susanatornero.com stornerob@gmail.com
cuento: Der goldene Schlüssel, hermanos Grimm (KHM 200, ATU 2260)
canción: «Es ist ein Schnee gefallen», tradicional alemana
adaptación: Tàándem, 2009
filmado en la Tetería Otman, Barcelona, el 22 de noviembre de 2011
