Friday, January 20, 2012

What is Project Grimm?

Project Grimm was conceived during the 2011 conference of the Federation for European Storytelling in Toledo, Spain. Storytellers representing many European countries and many storytelling traditions agreed that the Grimm fairy tales are part of our common cultural heritage, and they should be celebrated as so - especially in 2012, when Kinder- und Hausmärchen is going to reach the 200th anniversary of its first publication (December 20, 1812).

To celebrate well-known and less well-known Grimm tales and all their distant cousins in other European storytelling traditions, participants of the Project Grimm created a game. There rules were as follows:

- Every participant (individual teller or group) will create a preformance, or a series of performances, from 4 Grimm tales

- 2 of the four tales will be chosen by the participant from the tales published in the KHM's first edition

- the other 2 tales will be assigned to the participants by draw (these are also called their "luck stories"

- participants will prepare their performances, record them on camera, and submit the videos to the project's coordinator by December 31, 2011.

This site is the result of Project Grimm; it is a place to share the videos born from the game. Our goal is to celebrate the Grimm tales and their significant influence on European culture and storytelling.

You can browse the videos by language, name and country of the teller, KHM number, and tale title. Some tales are published in whole, others are only excerpts from the performances.

We wish you all an exciting Grimm Year! Let the stories begin!


  1. Hello Hosters of the Grimm Storytellers, I'm wondering if you fabulous folks working on this would allow storytellers to still sign-up to participate in this really great on-line arts project... or is it just too late...? If folk can still join-up then I'd send the word out to a few folks to take part. What you've done just looks so great.

  2. Well, now that the blog is online, I suddenly have quite a few new people wanting to sign up, who missed the notification, or the deadline. Thing is, those who are already signed up but late with sending in the videos are still accepted. I think Project Grimm should be as big as it can, but I also think the sooner, the better :)

  3. Is it possible to sign up my videos? And how can I send them or is it possible to took them from you tube on this blog?
    Sorry but I noticed this blog only in this late time...
    And I hope to find a place on it.
