Saturday, January 28, 2012

A thousand pairs of ears - Grimm project from the Netherlands

Language: Dutch
Subtitles: English

Giny Drent, Karin Uyland, Dick van der Pijl (Vertelakademie)

The story of a boy who went forth to learn fear (KHM 4)
Read: in German, in English, in Spanish

The willow-wren and the bear (KHM 102)
Read: in German, in English

The queen bee (KHM 62)
Read: in German, in English, in Spanish

Friday, January 27, 2012

KHM 64 - The Golden Goose - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 64

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit

KHM 41 - Herr Korbes - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 41

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit

KHM 185 - The Poor Boy in the Grave - Storyteller: Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English

KHM 185

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit

Sunday, January 22, 2012

KHM 13 - The Three Little Men - Red Phoenix

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

On the 17th December 2011 a group of artists and a storyteller came together to film and present to a live audience four Grimm’s Fairy Tales with a seasonal twist to create a performance of ‘A Grimm Christmas’.

The performance was in English, and used multimedia to present images created by the artists for each story to projected, from a giant ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ book, behind the Storyteller.

The stories were:
The Three Little Men in the Wood, artist Meg Day
The Poor Boy in the Grave, artist Charlie Timberlake
Herr Korbes, artist Meg Day
The Golden Goose, artist Jayson Adams
Storyteller for all four stories was Red Phoenix

The artists worked from the original stories and a recording of the storyteller, Red Phoenix, telling the tale to produce the images. Once the images were complete Red Phoenix then used the images to support the stories in front of the live audience.

For more information please visit

KHM 27 - Los músicos de Bremen - Narradora: Anna Garcia

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

NOMBRE: Anna Garcia

KHM 41 - El Sr Korbes - Narradora: Anna Garcia

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

NOMBRE: Anna Garcia

KHM 200 - La claueta daurada – La llavecita dorada - Narradores: Susana Tornero & Ignasi Potrony

EL cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Subtitles in English

Información adicional
narración en catalán y castellano
cuento: Der goldene Schlüssel, hermanos Grimm (KHM 200, ATU 2260)
canción: «Es ist ein Schnee gefallen», tradicional alemana
adaptación: Tàándem, 2009
filmado en la Tetería Otman, Barcelona, el 22 de noviembre de 2011

KHM 138 - Variacions Knoist - Narradores: Susana Tornero & Ignasi Potrony

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés

Información adicional
narración en castellano, catalán, alemán, francés, inglés y sabir (pidgin mediterráneo)
cuento: Knoist und seine drei Söhne, hermanos Grimm (KHM 138, ATU 1965 y 1963)
sonido: canto difónico (hoomi)
adaptación y variaciones: Tàándem, 2011
filmado en la Tetería Otman, Barcelona, el 22 de noviembre de 2011

KHM 32 - Jan i Guida - Narradores: Susana Tornero & Ignasi Potrony

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

Información adicional
narración en catalán
cuento: Der gescheite Hans, hermanos Grimm (KHM 032, ATU 1685 i 1696)
canción: fusión de melodías y ritmos populares de Quebec e India
gesto: gestualidad inspirada en la danza bollywood
texto: a partir de las versiones de Elisabeth Abeya y Caterina Valriu, Carles Riba, Susana Tornero y Joseph Jacobs
adaptación: Tàándem, 2009
filmado en la Tetería Otman, Barcelona, el 22 de noviembre de 2011

KHM 197 - La bola de cristall - Narradores: Susana Tornero i Ignasi Potrony

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano

English subtitles

Información adicional
narración en catalán
cuento: Die Kristallkugel, hermanos Grimm (KHM 197, ATU 0552, 0302 y 0518)
gesto: gestualidad inspirada en mudras de teatro kathakali y danza kathak de la India
adaptación: Tàándem, 2011
filmado en la Tetería Otman, Barcelona, el 22 de noviembre de 2011

Saturday, January 21, 2012

KHM 170 - Joy and Sorrow

Read the original story: in German, in English

KHM 170

"I am Alexandria Patience, a storyteller and artist, and I live on the North Coast of Scotland, in a wee village called Portskerra. Sorrow and Joy is one of the two stories that I have been given to tell – and I have to admit I had a little trouble getting my head and heart into finding a way to ‘tell’ the story as a woman in todays society. The translation of Sorrow and Joy, that I read was softer on the husband than the version the above link will direct you, so I felt the challenge to find a way to tell the story lightly, but that didn’t make light of the act of violence... So I think I have found a way that doesn’t compromise the story (another important factor for me) and doesn’t compromise me. Let me know what you think."

+44(0)1641 531355

KHM 67 - The Twelve Huntsmen - Storyteller: Alexandria Patience

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 67

"I am Alexandria Patience, a storyteller and artist, and I live on the North Coast of Scotland, in a wee village called Portskerra. I selected the story of The Twelve Hunters because there are so many versions and variations on this story and I seem to like them all. I tell many stories which weave in my love of the sea and my fisher background and since the summer of 2011 I have worked to incorporate live original music into some of the stories I tell. This story The Twelve Hunters is told with the accompaniment of music written and played by Donald McNeill. We both live on the Far North Coast of Scotland. This recording has been made in my fishermans' cottage."

+44(0)1641 531355

KHM 188 - El fus, la llançadora i l’agulla - Storytellers: Ignasi Potrony & Monika Klose

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 188

El fus, la llançadora i l’agulla – Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel. - The spindle, the shuttle, and the needle
Ignasi Potrony i Monika Klose

Información adicional:
Narración en catalán y alemán

2011. december 20. Goethe-Institut, Barcelona.

KHM 14 - Die drei Spinnerinnen - Storytellers: Monika Klose & Ignasi Potrony

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 14

Die drei Spinnerinnen -- Les tres velles filadores- The three spinners
Monika Klose i Ignasi Potrony

Información adicional:
Narración en alemán y catalán

2011. december 20. Goethe-Institut, Barcelona.

KHM 23 - Das Vögelchen, das Mäuschen und die Bratwurst - Storytellers: Monika Klose & Ignasi Potrony

Reag the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 23

Das Vögelchen, das Mäuschen und die Bratwurst – L’ocellet, el ratolí i la botifarra.- The bird, the mouse and the sausage
Monika Klose i Ignasi Potrony

Información adicional:
Narración en alemán y catalán

2011. december 20. Goethe-Institut, Barcelona.

KHM 112 - Der Eimer vom Himmel - Storytellers: Monika Klose & Ignasi Potrony

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 112

Der Eimer vom Himmel – La galleda del cel.- The flail form heaven
Monika Klose i Ignasi Potrony

Información adicional:
Narración en alemán y catalán

2011. december 20. Goethe-Institut, Barcelona.

Friday, January 20, 2012

KHM 91 - The Gnome - Storyteller: Mirjam Backus

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 91

Language: Dutch

Told by Mirjam Backus from the Dutch storytelling group 'Raconte' (Utrecht, NL). The group consists of eight people; three of them told stories in Dutch for the Project Grimm.

KHM 49 - The six swans - Storyteller: Ülla Rietveld

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 49

Language: Dutch

Told by Ülla Rietveld from the Dutch storytelling group 'Raconte' (Utrecht, NL). The group consists of eight people; three of them told stories in Dutch for the Project Grimm.

KHM 24 - Mother Hulda - Storyteller: Ülla Rietveld

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 24

Language: Dutch

Told by Ülla Rietveld from the Dutch storytelling group 'Raconte' (Utrecht, NL). The group consists of eight people; three of them told stories in Dutch for the Project Grimm.

KHM 12 - Rapunzel - Storyteller: Irene Bakker-Sterk

(Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish)

KHM 12

Language: Dutch

Told by Irene Bakker-Sterk (IRINA) from the Dutch storytelling group 'Raconte' (Utrecht, NL). The group consists of eight people; three of them told stories in Dutch for the Project Grimm.

KHM 33 - Las tres lenguas - Narradora: María José Pedragosa

(El cuento original: en castellano, en inglés, en alemán)

KHM 33

Lengua: Castellano

Los niños y niñas de 1º y 2º de Primaria de la escuela Sant Josep Oriol de Barcelona escuchan este cuento de los hermanos Grimm. "Las 3 lenguas" narra la historia de un chico que, aún no siendo un buen estudiante, aprendió 3 lenguajes que le otorgaron éxito y felicidad.

Este vídeo se engloba en el PROYECTO GRIMM con motivo del bicentenario de la publicación de su libro "Cuentos para la infancia y el hogar"

KHM 18 - La alubia, la brasa y la paja - Narradora: María José Pedragosa

(El cuento original: en castellano, en inglés, en alemán)

KHM 18

Lengua: Castellano

Los niños y niñas de 1º y 2º de Primaria de la escuela Sant Josep Oriol de Barcelona escuchan este cuento de los hermanos Grimm. "La alubia, la brasa y la paja" nos explica por qué las alubias tienen un parche negro.

KHM 175 - The Moon - Storyteller: Jack Lynch

(Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish)

The Moon (KHM 175) told in English by Jack Lynch
Recorded in the Teachers Club Dublin .
Jack has wide experience of telling in schools, libraries, hospitals and prisons. He works regularly in the National Museum at Collins Barracks and in Dublin psychiatric hospitals. He has been a regular teller at local arts festivals and storytelling festivals. Jack has appeared at Alden Biesen in Belgium , Sidmouth Folk Festival, The Orkney Folk Festival, Newcastle Irish Festival, The Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington and the Illinois Storytelling and Education Programme. He has twice been the featured Irish storyteller at the Cape Clear Festival and at Gimistory in the Cayman Islands . He is a founder member of Dublin Yarnspinners and of Storytellers of Ireland / Aos Sceal Éireann.

Phone (353) + (0)1 643 4992
Mobile : (353) + (0)87 986 3902

KHM 14 - The Three Spinners - Storyteller: Aideen McBride

(Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish)

The Three Spinners (KHM 14) told in Irish by Aideen McBride
Recorded in the Teachers Club Dublin .
Aideen is a founder member of the 16-year-old Dublin Yarnspinners monthly storytelling club.
She grew up in Co Carlow with a rural background and now lives in Dublin with her family. Her stories range from traditional tales and rural tales, to newly created stories, Irish legends, poetry, song and interactive story making.
Aideen was involved in story collection projects including Scéal Éile Ballymun; "Memories from the Grassy Margin", with St Catherine's Centre for Travellers in Carlow, and International Tales with the SPIRASI centre in Dublin .

Phone (353) + (0)1 862 5825
Mobile: (+353) + (0)85 160 5028

KHM 99 - Spirit in the Bottle - Storyteller: Brendan Nolan

(Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish)

Spirit in the Bottle (KHM 99) told in English by Brendan Nolan
Recorded in the Teachers Club Dublin .
Brendan tells original and traditional stories from Ireland , and his native Dublin , in particular.
He presents Telling Tales the weekly access radio programme for writers and storytellers which may be heard online on his website.
Brendan has broadcast more than 90 stories of his own, mostly light-hearted, about people he knows or has met.
He is author of the story collections: Barking Mad: Tales of Lovers, Liars, Layabouts and Lunatics and of Dublin Folk Tales, the latter published by the History Press with distribution in the US , UK , and Ireland .

Phone (353) + (0)1 628 11 25
Mobile: (353) + (0)87 795 21 74

KHM 1 - The Frog Prince - Storyteller: Máirín Mhiclochlainn

(Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish)

The Frog Prince (KHM 1) told in Irish by Máirín Mhiclochlainn
Recorded in the Teachers Club Dublin.
Galway-born Máirín is a full-time storyteller who tells stories in Irish and with translations into English.
Her repertoire includes stories from the Fianna cycle and local history stories, stories for children, and original stories.
Many of her folklore stories she heard from her father Beartla Malone.
As an actor, Máirín also presents plays in schools, adapting old stories for the stage.

Phone: (353) + (0)91 593799
Mobile (353) +(0)86 0888578

What is Project Grimm?

Project Grimm was conceived during the 2011 conference of the Federation for European Storytelling in Toledo, Spain. Storytellers representing many European countries and many storytelling traditions agreed that the Grimm fairy tales are part of our common cultural heritage, and they should be celebrated as so - especially in 2012, when Kinder- und Hausmärchen is going to reach the 200th anniversary of its first publication (December 20, 1812).

To celebrate well-known and less well-known Grimm tales and all their distant cousins in other European storytelling traditions, participants of the Project Grimm created a game. There rules were as follows:

- Every participant (individual teller or group) will create a preformance, or a series of performances, from 4 Grimm tales

- 2 of the four tales will be chosen by the participant from the tales published in the KHM's first edition

- the other 2 tales will be assigned to the participants by draw (these are also called their "luck stories"

- participants will prepare their performances, record them on camera, and submit the videos to the project's coordinator by December 31, 2011.

This site is the result of Project Grimm; it is a place to share the videos born from the game. Our goal is to celebrate the Grimm tales and their significant influence on European culture and storytelling.

You can browse the videos by language, name and country of the teller, KHM number, and tale title. Some tales are published in whole, others are only excerpts from the performances.

We wish you all an exciting Grimm Year! Let the stories begin!

The Rules of Project Grimm

As created in July, 2011.

The Project Grimm

Project Grimm is an international initiative of European storytellers within and in collaboration with FEST to celebrate the 2012 bicentennial of the first publication of the Children’s and Household Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (1812).

The aims and goals of the project are:

- To celebrate the rich heritage and tradition of the Grimm tales,
- To promote live oral storytelling as an independent art form in Europe and the world,
- To create a multicultural project for storytellers all over the world, connected by the common heritage of well-known tales,
- To promote bi- and multilingual storytelling projects and the collaboration of storytellers speaking different languages,
- To celebrate the vast cultural roots and connections of the Grimm tales and their many variants, both traditional and modern,
- To experiment with new telling styles and techniques both separately and together,
- To create a virtual space for promotion and education, both on the subject of the Grimm tales and on the art of storytelling.

The process:

- Every storyteller (or group) wishing to participate in the project will work with 4 of the Grimm’s tales.
(The number of participating tellers/groups from one country is not limited, but cooperations between the tellers of one country is strongly encouraged!)
- 2 of those tales can be selected by the storyteller or the group, with no restriction other than they have to be selected from the list of the Grimm’s tales.
- The other 2 tales will be selected by luck, under the supervision of the Project Grimm’s coordinator (Csenge Zalka) (The main goal is for all 200+ tales to be selected at least once, so tales that have been already drawn will not be put back into the list again until a second round is needed.)
(Children's Legends are not part of the drawing list, but they can be chosen freely by the storytellers if they wish)
- From the 4 tales, separately or together, the storyteller(s) have to create a live oral storytelling performance. Again, no other restrictions.
- Tales can be merged together or handled separately
- Any variant or translation of the tales can be used – both different Grimm editions and folk variants of the same tale from any culture
- The tales can be performed by one person or a group of storytellers
- The tales can be performed in any language (although translations and alternative languages are most welcome)
- At least one voice and/or video recording has to be created of the performance(s) by the end of 2011 (December 31st) and submitted
- Preference is for the recordings to be taken at a live performance, with audience involved (but if not possible, studio recordings are also welcome)
- the quality of the recordings is important – they have to be suitable for submission on an official homepage
- 3-5 minute pieces of the recordings will be posted on the internet together with additional information on the tales, the tellers and their countries and cultures.
- At the next FEST meeting (2012, Belgium) a workshop will be held for the participants of the project to share experiences, ideas and tales

The project coordinator:

- will create a list of Grimm’s tales with their respective numbers (both KHM and random numbers for the drawing)
- will create and update the list of tellers participating in the project and what tales they are working with
- will create and maintain a database of tales, links and background material submitted by the participants, and make it available for them to help their work
- will help cooperation between participants by connecting them to each other and keeping track of the work
- will help making the project visible (through FEST website or a separate website in collaboration with FEST)

Participants can help the project by:

- Submitting information about the tales they are working with
- Helping each other with advice, information, sources, translations etc.
- Making information available about the progress of their work, so it can be followed by participants and people who are interested
- creating nice recordings
- helping with translations to many languages (the more the merrier)
- adding ideas, suggestions, questions and answers.

Project Grimm statisticts

As of December 31, 2011.

As of today, Project Grimm has exactly 65 participants; some of them are individual storytellers, and some of them are duos or groups.

Each participant has 4 Grimm tales: two chosen by the participant, and two assigned by luck. 151 of the 202 tales on the list have been assigned.

The three most popular tales are the following:

Rapunzel (KHM 12) (6 participants)
The Three Spinners (KHM 14) (6 participants)
Mother Hulda (KHM 24) (5 participants)
Rumeplstiltskin and Cinderella both have 4 participants assigned.

We have participants from 11 European countries:

Spain (33) - including storytellers from Catalunya and the Basque country, more than half (!!!) of the Project Grimm participants! Go Spain!
United Kingdom (11) - including tellers from Wales and Scotland!
Germany (7) - the home of the Brothers Grimm. We are looking forward to hearing the tales in their original language :)
Netherlands (3)
Austria (3)
Norway (2)
Italy (2)
Hungary (2)
Switzerland (1)
Ireland (1)
Denmark (1)

With as colorful a group as this one is, we will hear Grimm tales in more than 12 languages!
(Catalan, Spanish, English, Irish, French, Norwegian, Basque, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Danish, Italian - and whatever the tellers decide to surprise us with)

The first videos are already trickling into my mailbox. I will do my best to compile and share them as soon as possible. Numbers and facts may change as more information comes in. Or a few stray storytellers. You can never know with our kind. There are still a few tales up for grabs!

Let the Grimm Year begin!