Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Exp. No. 22 - I bambini che giocavano al macellaio - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

This tale is no longer officially part of the Grimm collection. It was removed from the second edition by the Grimm brothers. Read about the story: in German, in English Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 182 - Il dono del piccolo popolo - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

Read the original story: in German, in English Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 108 - Nanni Porcospino - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

KHM 4 - Il ragazzo che andava in cerca della paura - Storytellers: Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish Raccontamiunastoria Storytelling Company http://www.raccontamiunastoria.com/en/

Saturday, September 1, 2012

KHM 179 - Libapásztorlány a kútnál - Storyteller: Lovranits Júlia

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish http://lovranitsjulia.hu/

1986-ban születtem, biológus vagyok és mesemondó. A jó történeteket és a madárvilágot, szép erdőket mindennél jobban szeretem. Szívesen olvasok, írok és mesélek vidám, szomorú meséket állatokról, növényekről, meg csodálatos, képzeletbeli lényekről. Fontosnak tartom, hogy a modern ember is újra közel tudjon kerülni a természethez, ebben is nagy segítséget nyújtanak számunkra a népmesék. A Magyar Madártani Egyesület oktatási munkatársaként gyerekekkel foglalkozom nagycsoportos óvodás kortól, vándor mesemondóként felnőtt közönség előtt is léptem már fel, például a Holnemvolt Fesztiválon.

KHM 25 - Csókalányok - Storyteller: Lovranits Júlia (Rigó)

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish http://lovranitsjulia.hu/

1986-ban születtem, biológus vagyok és mesemondó. A jó történeteket és a madárvilágot, szép erdőket mindennél jobban szeretem. Szívesen olvasok, írok és mesélek vidám, szomorú meséket állatokról, növényekről, meg csodálatos, képzeletbeli lényekről. Fontosnak tartom, hogy a modern ember is újra közel tudjon kerülni a természethez, ebben is nagy segítséget nyújtanak számunkra a népmesék. A Magyar Madártani Egyesület oktatási munkatársaként gyerekekkel foglalkozom nagycsoportos óvodás kortól, vándor mesemondóként felnőtt közönség előtt is léptem már fel, például a Holnemvolt Fesztiválon.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

KHM 192 - Crack and Crook - Storyteller: Susan McCullough

Read the original story: in German, in English Crack and Crook, told by Susan McCullough
Italian Folktales selected and retold by Italo Calvino
A variant of Der Gebrüder Grimm KHM 192: Der Meisterdieb (The Master Thief)
Prepared for Advanced Storytelling/ETSU and The Grimm Project. Told July 20, 2012 to an audience of about 8 adults.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

KHM 32 - Der gescheite Hans - Storytellers: Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann, Ina Theißen

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Read the original story: 

KHM 32
Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen tell "Der gescheite Hans" ("Clever Hans") in their performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten".

Find the original text in English (and German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Netherlands):

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen are actresses and storytellers, living in Vienna.
Birgit Lehner tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 140 - Das Hausgesinde - Storytellers: Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann, Ina Theißen

Read the original story: in German, in English

  KHM 140
Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen tell "Das Hausgesinde" ("Domestic servants") in their performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten", on january 2012 at the Brunnenpassage, Vienna/Austria

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner, Maren Rahmann and Ina Theißen are actresses and storytellers, living in Vienna.

Birgit Lehner tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 58 - Der Hund und der Sperling - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

KHM 58
Birgit Lehner tells "Der Hund und der Sperling" ("The Dog and the Sparrow") in the performance of Grimms' Tales, "Grimmige Geschichten", in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna/Austria

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner is an actress and storyteller, living in Vienna. She tells in German, English and French. 
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at 
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

Friday, April 13, 2012

KHM 62 - La reina de las abejas - Narradora: Bego Alabazan

El cuento original: en alemán, en inglés, en castellano


Nací en 1966 y, como buena niña (que no “niña buena”), me gustaba jugar con las historias con las que me encontraba haciendo marionetas, dibujos, murales, contándolas o teatralizándolas.
Mucho más adelante, en 1996, tuve la oportunidad de formar parte en la creación del grupo de Narración Oral “A la Luz de las Velas”. No sospechaba entonces hasta qué punto iban a calar los cuentos en mi.
Y gracias a este encuentro (o reencuentro), me “di a la bebida” de cuentos, cantos y leyendas para satisfacer esa sed de historias que tenía desde niña. Fue después que conocí el gran disfrute de hacerlas mías y comunicarlas.

Monday, April 9, 2012

KHM 92 - Die Königin aus der Rosenstadt - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner

Read the original story: in German, in English, in Spanish

Birgit Lehner tells her version of the Grimms' tale "The King of the Golden Mountain" (KHM 92), partially interweaving it with the folktale "The Queen of the Town of Roses" that has been collected in the 1930ies in germanspeaking villages of Northern Hungary. In this variant the enchanted queen has not been changed into a snake. She is a beautiful woman and obviously very strong herself: Before she asks the hero to release her she tests his strength by hitting him three times - which is a quite funny scene. The end of the variant, though, is more conciliable than in the Grimms' tale: In order to stay with her first husband, the queen asks her guests at her second marriage whether an original key or a copy would fit better, and everybody votes for the original key.

Find the Grimms' tale in English (and German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Netherlands):

This video (Editing: Ingrid Edtmeier) was recorded in january 2012 in the Brunnenpassage, Vienna, for the "Project Grimm 2012". In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here: http://projectgrimm.blogspot.com

Birgit Lehner is a professional Austrian actress and storyteller. She lives in Vienna and tells in German, English and French.
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583

KHM 94 - Die kluge Kohlenbrennerstochter - Storyteller: Birgit Lehner (Excerpt)

Read the original story: in German, in English

"Die kluge Kohlenbrennerstochter" (The Charburner's Clever Daughter) is a variant of the Grimms' Tale "The Peasant's Clever Daughter" (KHM 94). It has been collected in the 1930ies in germanspeaking villages in Northern Hungary: As in the original Grimms' tale, the king expulses his wife, the charburner's daughter, because she has interfered with his business, and allows her to take with her only what is dearest in her eyes. She chooses her husband. In this variant the queen carries the sleeping king on her own back home to her father's house.

Birgit Lehner tells her version in Austrian dialect. The performance took place in august 2010 in Upper Austria during a festival celebrating that - thanks to the initiative of Austrian storyteller Helmut Wittmann -- storytelling had been put on the Austrian UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Find the Grimms' tale in English (And German, Italian, Danish, Netherlands): http://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/the_peasants_wise_daughter

This excerpt of a full-length 10-minutes video (© http://bildungs.tv) was produced for the "Project Grimm 2012": In this project European storytellers share stories from the famous collection of fairytales celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first edition of the collection by the Brothers Grimm.

Follow the "Project Grimm 2012" here:

Birgit Lehner is a professional Austrian actress and storyteller. She lives in Vienna and tells in German, French and English.
Website: http://www.geschichten-erzaehlerin.at
facebook-profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000361981583